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High School Retreat Highlights

Gateway Christian School

Updated: Mar 5, 2019

We couldn’t have asked for more beautiful weather, better food, or more fun this year at Lone Tree Ranch in Capitan, NM. High school students, teachers, and staff enjoyed free time, team-building activities, and meaningful times of worship throughout the retreat.

Monday was filled with many activities including horse-back riding, the Alpine Tower high ropes course, the Screamer (pictured above), the zip line, and a giant water slide. After a couple of hours of activities, students were grouped into multi-grade teams to participate in team-building activities. After a full day, we all enjoyed a delicious dinner and settled down for a wonderful time of worship through music led by Mr. Pack and the student praise team followed by a message from Mrs. Rapp. During this time, students were challenged to search God’s word for promises and declarations that they could cling to throughout the coming year. The night ended with a seriously competitive game of volleyball. And although I was only an unofficial referee, I think I can safely say that the guys won the game.

The next morning we enjoyed devotional times in our classes (9, 10, 11, 12), worship through song, and Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson each shared a heartfelt message with the guys and girls, respectively. We ended the retreat with the infamous leg lift competition in which one student had her legs raised for seven whole minutes! I need to start working out more. As always, the Lone Tree staff were fun, thoughtful, and supportive throughout the weekend. I think we all left refreshed spiritually (though maybe a tad sleep-deprived) and ready for a terrific year!


Learn more about our high school classes, events and athletics. Or you can stay connected with life at Gateway on our Instagram and Facebook!

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