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GCS XC team sets the 2017 Pace

Coach Perry Toles

The 2017 Gateway Cross Country Team recently competed in the Labor Day 5K "Fun Run." And fun it was as 4 of the 5 cross country runners, plus both coaches along with "Ms Becky" won medals by placing in the top three of their respective age groups. It was a good showing for Gateway Christian School. (See Photo)

Perry Toles is back for his 7th season as the Gateway Cross Country Coach. Also helping is Coach Evan Staeden. Both are having a blast running with and training a small but quality team this year.

Only two Varsity runners have returned from last year, Sophomore Logan Kennard and Freshman Isabella Bauder. Both Logan and Bella qualified and competed at the NMAA Cross Country State Championships last year and will be attempting to do the same this year at the October 28th District Meet that will be Hosted at Gateway.

Coach Toles is using Logan as an example of what hard work can accomplish. His NMMI Meet time last weekend was 11 minutes faster than his time the previous year. "He put in the work and time in cross country, in track and all summer long with our running group" said Coach Toles.

On the Junior High squad, 7th grader Jace Worley returns for his second cross country season and has already won two firsts and a second at the first three meets.

Joining the XC team for the first time are Sophomore Gavin Kennard and 7th grader Kayley Smith. Both are bettering their times at each meet.

The Team Photo below was taken just prior to the start of the September 2nd 5K run. Left to right: Jace, Coach Toles, Kayley, Bella, Logan, Gavin and Coach Staeden.

More photos, the meet schedule and results can be found on the Gateway Warrior XC & Track fb page.

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