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Gateway ROCKED the Vote!

Jill Cornil

It is time to meet the new faces of GCS 2017 Student Council! On Wednesday, August 30th, all the high school students cast their votes at chapel for this years student council officers. Student Council President is Lauren Wulf, Vice President-Jaydon Stevens, Secretary-Jacob Truetken, Treasurer-Wyatt Arlet and Chaplain-Heeta Bhakta. With a united vision, these officers are representing the GCS student body and are ready to focus with a common goal of improving student activities on campus. Their first order of business will be adding more excitement and fun to Homecoming Week events and activities.

The students representing Gateway Warriors this year are juniors and seniors. Several of the students have attended Gateway since early elementary, and a couple of them joined GCS their freshman year. Each of them bring a diverse viewpoint, and they are gifted with unique talents and excellent leadership skills. There is no doubt that this team of students will represent Gateway Christian School with excitement, energy, and determination to bring their goals and vision to completion.

Here are a few FUN facts and stories about our officers you may not know.

Now that you know a little bit about the GCS Student Council Officers-we invite YOU to ROCK a special vote. You all have a chance to win a GCS

t-shirt. In order to participate you can go to our Facebook Page to cast your ballot! Our Student Council officers have all answered this question...

"Which celebrity would play you

in the movie of your life?"

The five answers we received were...

Ryan Reynolds, Jennifer Anniston, Mark Whalburg, Mindy Kaling, and Dave Franco.

To enter our contest, match our Student Council Officers with the celebrity they chose to represent the story of their life. Each comment with the correct match will be entered in to our drawing and one winner will be selected from the

comments on that post.

For more information about upcoming events at Gateway, go to our Master Calendar to see what's happening next at Gateway!

Congratulations Student Council officers! Thank you for your vision, determination, and dedication to make 2017/2018 a Fun and Exciting Year.

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