"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge."
Proverbs 1:7
The Gateway Christian Elementary School offers an enriched academic program with a strong phonetic base. We use ABEKA curriculum. Our aim is to provide an education that is in agreement with the Bible and stresses its practicality for every part of daily life. We maintain high academic standards in a traditional classroom setting. Our heart as staff members is to help our students learn to take personal responsibility and put God first in their lives.
We promote a love for God and country and prepare students to live productively in the American society and the hereafter. We assist the family in carrying out their God given responsibility to train their child.

The mission of Gateway Christian School is for each student to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and to grow in Christian maturity. Our desire is to help meet the spiritual, academic, physical and social needs of all students and to lead each student to respect and submit to authority, thus enabling them to become the leaders of tomorrow and bring glory to God.
In order to accomplish this in an educational institution, we must recognize God as the ultimate source and final authority of all teaching. We must provide a Christian education for the children of Roswell without regard to race or religious creed.
Our aim is to provide an education:
That is in agreement with the Bible and stresses its practicality for every part of daily life
That possesses high academic standards in a traditional classroom setting, and instills in the student a personal responsibility to be all God wants him/her to be
That will promote a love for God and this nation and prepare the student to live productively in the American society and the hereafter
That assists the family in carrying out their “God given responsibility” to train their child
Academically, many students at GCS test above their grade levels. The average achievement score is a year to a year and a half above national norms. Each subject is taught from a Christian perspective by our certified, professional staff. We are accredited for Kindergarten -12th grade through A.C.S.I. and the State of New Mexico.
Homework is a part of our weekly routine. It is only used for drill, practice, remediation or special projects. Typically it will take between 15 minutes and an hour depending on the grade. We do not give homework on Wednesdays and limit the work on Fridays. We have an automated grade reporting system called RenWeb. Parents may log on and get grades or assignments at any time.
Scripture memorization is an integral part of learning. Students are taught Bible as the first class of the day. We use the NIV translation. Picture stories are used during the early childhood years. Upper grades use Workbooks and read through and discuss the Bible.
Every classroom engages in service projects throughout the community. The elementary school teachers and administration have initiated various ministry projects such as: tarps for earthquake victims, water for children in 3rd world countries, care packages and letters for our military men, can goods for community meals for the needy, shoeboxes for Samaritan’s Purse, Angel Tree – for children of inmates, dolls and trucks for Smile of a Child. It is very important that we instill in children the need to reach out to others.
Gateway elementary offers several extracurricular classes including: computer training, drama, music, P.E., and Spanish.
School starts at 8:10 and dismisses at 3PM Monday through Thursday.
We dismiss at noon on Fridays
Students may bring their lunch or buy from our full service cafeteria. Lunches can be purchased on our Parent Login site (RenWeb)​ or parent's may send money with their child.
We do adhere to a relaxed Dress code that exemplifies modesty and neatness. Fridays are Spirit Day's. Students wear jeans and Gateway spirit shirts.