Update from March 24
Update from May 14
Distance Learning Packet Pick-Up Procedure:
When: Begins Friday, March 27th, 7:00 am-12:30 pm
Where: Please drive up to the front doors of the church building at the top of the ramp and we will bring your packet to you.
You will not need to get out of your car.
Who: All students from K4 - High School Seniors
What to Expect: Your child's packet will include necessary work, books and an information letter that includes teacher contact information, any supplemental learning material information and more to assist you. The first packet will also include the 3rd nine
weeks report cards.
Next Steps: Friday, April 3, 7:00 am-12:30 pm, bring back your child’s completed work and pick up the next week's work. We will
continue that until we are able to come back to school.
Please know that we are here for you during this process. Don't hesitate to reach out to your teachers with any questions you
may have.
The Administration wants you to be aware that having the parents come to get their packets is not violating the Governor’s
directive, which limits gatherings to no more than five people. Below is the statement that comes directly from the Department
of Health website:
Q: When should I leave my house?
A: You may leave your home for these reasons:
To conduct “necessary activities” – obtaining medicine or seeing a doctor, purchasing necessary supplies such as groceries and
personal hygiene products, picking up educational supplies from your child’s school or providing the necessary care and supplies
to family members in another household.
Update from March 13
In response to the latest information on the Coronavirus and the announcement made by the NMPED that all public and
charter schools close for the next three weeks, we have decided that we need to do the same (beginning March 16th, classes
are set to resume April 6th, with a potential extension to April 10th). Our trust and confidence are in the Lord, but at the same time,
we want to do our part in minimizing the exposure and spreading of this virus.
Pre-School/Extended Day will be open, but you must call Missy Howerton at 575-622-9710, extension 3, next week to make
reservations. We need to make sure we have enough teachers on duty. So make sure you call if you need Extended
Daycare for your child. Pre-School/Extended Day hours are 7:00 AM through 6:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Holiday rates
will apply.
The education department has waived the length of the school year, so we will not have to make these days up at the end of
the year. However, we reserve the right to meet on Friday afternoons if we feel we need that time to teach the necessary
curriculum that will be missed.
If you have a High School student that is taking an online college class, they will need to continue to do that class from home.
ENMUR has spring break March 16-20, and then the online classes will resume. So please make sure your child keeps up with
those classes.
Please be patient with us on making calendar changes. We have never had a scenario like this before, and have not had much
time to work through all of the logistics. We believe with our whole heart this did not take God by surprise, and He has all the
wisdom we need. We would appreciate your prayers as we navigate through this.
Please know we are praying for all of you, and we just want to remind you that God is in charge, He has always been in charge,
and He knows what He is doing. We can trust Him. He is still on the Throne! We love each of you and your children and will
see you in three weeks.
Robin Parker
Justin Stephens
Rick & Linda Rapp